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Kentucky Lock Addition Project News

Don Getty, project manager for the Kentucky Lock Addition Project, leads an unveiling ceremony of the first completed massive monolith from a viewpoint over the construction site in Grand Rivers, Ky., Jan. 28, 2015. The contractor, Thalle Construction, participated in the event commemorating this first important milestone. (Photo by Lee Roberts)NR 15-002: Work crews top out Kentucky Lock’s first concrete monolith

GRAND RIVERS, Ky. (Jan. 28, 2015) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District placed concrete to top-out the first massive concrete monolith for the Kentucky Lock Addition project this past week. This milestone is a significant step towards completion of the new 1,200-foot-long navigation lock at Kentucky Dam.


Congressman Diane Black of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District is dwarfed by one of four 1940 vintage, 12-by 12-foot culvert valves replaced this summer at the existing Kentucky Lock. Black received informational briefings on Nashville District lock operations and the new Kentucky Lock Addition Project during her Oct. 29, 2012 visit with Ingram Barge representatives. Her district includes or touches Nashville District’s Center Hill, Cordell Hull, Dale Hollow, Old Hickory, J. Percy Priest and Cheatham Lakes. (USACE photo by Fred Tucker) Congressman Diane Black visits Kentucky Lock, Kentucky Lock Addition Project

GRAND RIVERS, Ky. (Oct. 29, 2012) – Congressman Diane Black of Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District received informational briefings on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District’s lock operations and the Kentucky Lock Addition Project during a visit today with Ingram Barge representatives.


The Motor Vessel Mississippi locks through Kentucky Lock in Kuttawa, Ky., Aug. 11, 2011. The vessel carried the Mississippi River Commission, which toured Kentucky Lock and the Lake Barkley Hydropower Plant during a low-water inspection trip on the Ohio River that included these U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District projects. (USACE photo by Lee Roberts)Mississippi River Commission tours Kentucky Lock, Barkley hydropower plant during inspection trip

KUTTAWA, Ky. (Aug. 11, 2011) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Commander, Lt. Col. James DeLapp welcomed The Mississippi River Commission and guests for a tour of the Lake Barkley Dam Power plant, and the Kentucky Lock Addition Project during a portion of their Annual Low-Water Inspection Trip Aug. 11.