District Digest News Stories

Trombly named Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016

Nashville District Public Affairs
Published Sept. 23, 2016
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – Diana Trombly, an engineer in the Engineering Construction Division, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – Diana Trombly, an engineer in the Engineering Construction Division, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – Diana Trombly, an engineer in the Engineering Construction Division, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – Diana Trombly, an engineer in the Engineering Construction Division, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – Diana Trombly, an engineer in the Engineering Construction Division, is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District Employee of the Month for August 2016.

Trombly is recognized for her significant contributions for serving as district's recruiting coordinator.

Trombly has been with the Corps since October 2015 and credits much of her success to the great people she works with.

Cory Morgan, Nashville District Civil Structural Section Civil Design Branch chief, said Trombly’s skill sets are a valuable asset to the Engineering and Construction team. 

“She is a role model employee whose ‘can do’ attitude is an example for others to emulate and is a valuable asset to our office,” said Morgan.  “Upon her arrival to our office, she immediately took on tasks and began high level projects with very little assistance.  We are very fortunate to have her in our office.”

Lt. Col. Stephen Murphy, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District commander, said Trombly is lauded for her outstanding performance and involvement as recruiting coordinator. 

“She has been instrumental in organizing and focusing the district’s recruiting efforts so that we attract, inform, and hire quality candidates for our Pathways vacancies,” said Murphy.  “Her short-term investment will have an incredible long term impact on the district.” 

“Diana works hard, she is a great person and well deserving of this award,” said Morgan.  

Morgan said Trombly truly cares about people and continuously demonstrates selfless service by taking initiative, going above and beyond what is necessary to see that others have the required knowledge for recruiting.  

“Already she has done a phenomenal job preparing our recruiting teams and volunteers for a busy season by synchronizing the logistics for the 10 fall recruiting fairs in September and October 2016 at regional universities, by coordinating staff vacancy needs with hiring managers in every division, and ensuring the upcoming job announcements and recruiting plan were synchronized with the district staffing plan,” said Murphy.      

Murphy said Trombly has also worked closely with Civilian Personnel Advisory Center personnel to obtain information on the Pathways program to share with prospective student applicants.  He said as if this weren't enough, on her own time and of her own initiative, she created an extremely useful spreadsheet with an internet link that connects the staff vacancies to the job announcement

“This is something that will make a prospective Pathways student hire's USAJOBS job search immensely simpler,” said Murphy.  “Diana did all this while maintaining a healthy workload as a civil structural engineer.” 

Trombly’s peers say her work ethic is a reflection of her attention to detail. 

Charlie Thomasson, civil structural engineer in the Civil Structural Section, said Tromblys’ tireless work attitude and customer service is outstanding and the staff always comments on her professionalism, politeness and kind mannerisms.  

“She is kind, considerate and really cares about people,” said Thomasson.

Trombly said she loves her job and the opportunity to work with and college students in the community, and is humbled by this recognition.

“I really do enjoy my job, the opportunities it has to offer and being able to work in the engineering community,” said Trombly.

Although she’s only worked at the district since October 2015 and is not very familiar with the federal hiring and recruitment process, Murphy said she handled the job well.  

Trombly attributes the award to the support she receives from the whole team.

She and husband James, an active duty service member, are both engineers and are currently studying to take the professional engineering exam in October.   They also have an 18-month old daughter, Madison. 

She is a native of Westchester, N.Y., and earned her engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. 

Her father and grandfather both worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as engineers.

“I’ve always wanted to be an engineer and work for the Corps because it has been so important to my family,” said Trombly.

She enjoys shopping, spending free time with her family, and taking her daughter to the park. 

Murphy said Trombly’s professionalism, dedication to mission execution, and superior performance is a credit to the Nashville District, the region, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

(For more news, updates and information please follow the Nashville District on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/nashvillecorps and Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/nashvillecorps. The public can view photos from the Nashville District on Flickr at www.flickr.com/photos/nashvillecorps and videos on YouTube at www.youtube.com/armyenginrsnashville.)