A recent
article in the Commonwealth Journal alleged
that I said (in the author’s words) that water users around Lake Cumberland
would soon have to dig a well or take a bucket to the creek to get water as the
result of an ongoing Army Corps of Engineers water storage reallocation
study. The Commonwealth Journal article titled “Corps plans to begin charging
for lake water” was in response to a letter I recently sent to municipal and
industrial water supply users drawing from Lake Cumberland. I genuinely appreciate the concern that the
article represents but the misrepresentation of my tone and of the project’s intended
benefit troubles me, so I wanted to respond explaining why we’re doing what
we’re doing and the benefit to us all.
It goes without
saying that the Corps understands the importance of Lake Cumberland’s water to
the many who use it. This recognition influences
how we serve the public as well as enforce federal law, in this case the Water
Supply Act of 1958. The letter I sent to Lake Cumberland water users recently
was intended to update the recipients on the status of the Cumberland Water
Storage Reallocation Study. The goal of
the study is to formalize and define water use at Lake Cumberland over the next
20 years in order to ensure the project can meet the changing needs of the
region within the authorities given by Congress. A reallocation study also allows for new
users and increases in existing withdrawal capacity for current users.
Lake Cumberland
water supply users are the only municipal and industrial users out of all the
Corps Cumberland River basin long term storage projects who have not signed
water storage agreements and who are not paying for the use of this storage. Completing
this study will give water supply users a permanent right to utilize storage in
Lake Cumberland, provide a reliable source of water to meet present and future
needs, and allow the Corps to issue easements to accommodate existing water
supply intakes.
Wolf Creek Dam was
originally built to protect American citizens from the near-cyclical floods
that ravaged the region causing massive loss of life and property damage. Competed
in 1951, the dam’s primary purposes are flood risk management and the
production of hydroelectric power. Just
last year, the Nashville District’s system of 10 dam projects prevented an
estimated $269 million in flood damages with Wolf Creek Dam accounting for more
than half of that amount. Wolf Creek dam also produces over a third of the 3.4
million megawatt hours of hydroelectric power of the district’s 10 dams (nine
of these produce hydropower) on the Cumberland River, comparable to the power
required by a city roughly the size of Nashville.
The benefits of
the project are undeniable but they are also not free. Increasing demands on water at Corps projects
led Congress to authorize the Corps of Engineers to accommodate municipal and
industrial water supply in its reservoirs. However, the authority came with the
caveat that the water supply users must share in the costs of maintaining such
an incredibly valuable project and that the usage could not have a significant
impact on the existing and primary authorized purposes (flood risk management and
Water in the reservoir is not unlimited. The reallocation study involves pool simulations that will help determine
the economic, environmental and social benefits of the proposed reallocation of
storage for water supply as well as the lost hydropower revenues. The study
will also determine the amount of storage in the reservoir that is and will be
utilized to meet the users’ current and future withdrawals. Once completed, a report will be produced and
then released for public comment.
Progress is underway as the Corps has already awarded a contract to an
architect-engineer firm to assess the projected future water supply needs of
the communities who are currently using Lake Cumberland for water storage, as
well as to investigate the cost of alternative water sources to ensure Lake
Cumberland is the least costly source of water for each community. Upon completion of the future demands
assessment, the Corps will share it with the users to capture their comments,
with the goal of ensuring we are accurately accounting for the users’ water
supply needs.
proposed reallocation of water in Lake Cumberland from a currently authorized
purpose (e.g., hydropower pool) to water supply is approved by the assistant secretary
of the Army for Civil Works. If approved,
currently scheduled for December 2018, the water supply users may then execute
an agreement with the United States Government, which includes payment of a
one-time fee for permanent storage as well as payment of a percentage of the annual
operations, maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement costs for Wolf
Creek Dam that are proportional to the amount of water storage required.
This reallocation study and
the Corps requested letter of intent will help ensure that Wolf Creek Dam and
Lake Cumberland will continue to provide the incredible flood risk management
benefits, green hydropower, and water supply well into the future.