District Digest News Stories

Lead advocate says Wounded Warriors add great value to workplaces

Nashville District Public Affairs
Published Oct. 26, 2011

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (Oct. 26, 2011) Wounded Warriors returning to the workforce add great value to workplaces, said a lead advocate for the Wounded Warrior Program today during a National Disability Employment Awareness Month program.

This year’s theme is “Profit by Investing in Workers with Disabilities."  The theme honors the contributions of workers with disabilities and serves to inform the public that they represent a highly skilled talent pool that can help employers compete in today's global economy.

Melvin Taylor, lead advocate with the Army Wounded Warrior Program Transition Battalion at Fort Campbell, Ky., addressed U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District and explained what the Corps can do to help these great heroes.

“Employers who hire people with disabilities find they have tapped into a talented, skilled, and diverse pool of workers,” said Taylor.  “They often bring a unique perspective of diversity to the workplace.”

Taylor is a Georgia native and a 22-year Army veteran.  An advocate with AW2 since August 2007, he initially started as an advocate with the program at the Nashville Veterans Hospital and transferred to the Fort Campbell office in February 2008. He provides local support to AW2 Soldiers, veterans, and their families, regardless of their location or military status.

More than 20 years after the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with disabilities, including injured veterans, are making immeasurable contributions to workplaces across the country.  Unfortunately, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities remains too high -- nearly double the rate of people without disabilities -- and reversing this trend is crucial.

Taylor said Wounded Warriors, their families and caregivers are self sufficient, contributing members of local communities, and live and espouse the Warrior Ethos, knowing the Army and nation remembers.

Lt. Col. James DeLapp, Nashville District commander, discussed his unique experience with the program and seeing the change the program has brought to the U.S. Army.  He spoke of a solider that lost one of his legs in combat, went through the AW2 program and is now currently serving as a ‘black hat’ instructor at the airborne school at Fort Benning, Ga.

“I have seen a huge change just in the last 10 years,” said DeLapp. “The Army has made a 180-degree turn from where it used to be when it comes to how they deal with wounded service members returning from combat.”

Both DeLapp and Taylor encouraged those in attendance to learn more and possibly find ways of getting involved or supporting these heroes.

For information on how you can help these great warriors, please visit the AW2 website www.AW2.army.mil.

If you are an employer, you can help by providing employment and education opportunities to the AW2 Career and Education department via e-mail at AW2careerprogram@conus.army.mil.

(Editor’s Note: For more news and information about the Nashville District, follow us on our Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and YouTube pages.  Center Hill Lake also has a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/centerhilllake)