Southern & Eastern Kentucky Environmental Improvement Program
AUTHORIZATION: Section 531 of the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA) of 1996
TYPE OF PROJECT: Southern & Eastern Kentucky Environmental Improvement Program
LOCATION: 29 Counties in Southern & Eastern Kentucky
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: McConnell (KY), Paul (KY), Rogers (KY-05)
NON-FEDERAL SPONSORS: Harlan County, KY Fiscal Court and City of Harlan, KY
BACKGROUND: The primary objective of this program is to provide design and construction assistance to non-Federal interest for carrying out water-related environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development projects in a 29-county area of southern and eastern Kentucky. Projects may include wastewater treatment and related facilities, water supply and related facilities, and surface water resource protection and development. The program is known as the “Southern and Eastern Kentucky Environmental Improvements Program: and/or the “Section 531 Program.”
IMPORTANCE: Improved water resources and environmental infrastructure in the designated counties.
STATUS: The Nashville District currently has one recently completed and one active Section 531 project:
Airport Road Four Mile Area Sanitary Sewer Extension Project in Harlan County, KY
Harlan County, KY extended a portion of the public sanitary sewer system along Airport Road for residents within the county, in the communities of Sukey Ridge and Loyall, Kentucky. This project will serve approximately 50 residences, 20 commercial structures, and the Tucker Guthrie Memorial Airport. USACE provided design and construction assistance for extension of approximately 900 feet of force main, 19,000 feet of gravity main, and one new pump station.
Tyner Lake Dam Intake Line Replacement Project in Jackson County, KY
This project will involve construction of a new 16” ductile iron and HDPE intake/siphon line, replacing an existing 8” cast iron intake line that extends through the Tyner Lake Dam and connects to existing raw water inlet piping on the downstream side of the dam. The existing cast iron line has experienced build-up, reducing hydraulic capacity and limiting flow to the water treatment plant. This project will address that deficiency, allowing for improved withdrawal of raw water for treatment and distribution of potable water to customers of Jackson County Water Association.
SCHEDULE: The Airport Road project completed Physical Construction in October 2021 and Full Fiscal Closeout in April 2022.
The Tyner Lake Dam project was selected as an approved project in March 2022 and will begin a feasibility study in Summer 2022.