Harpeth River Flood Risk Management Project
AUTHORIZATION: Section 205, 1948 Flood Control Act, (PL 80-858), as amended.
TYPE OF PROJECT: Flood Risk Management.
LOCATION: The City of Franklin is in middle Tennessee, south of Nashville. The city experiences flooding along Harpeth River flowing thorough the downtown and surrounding communities.
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Green (TN-07), Hagerty (TN), Blackburn (TN)
NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: City of Franklin, TN.
BACKGROUND: As a result of record flooding in 2010, within the Harpeth River Watershed, a reconnaissance report was completed evaluating water resources issues including flood risk management and ecosystem restoration within the watershed. The reconnaissance report (completed July 2012) found federal interest in pursuing both flood risk and ecosystem restoration issues into the feasibility-level of study. In 2013, the feasibility phase of the study investigated both local and regional flood risk management alternatives in the upper portions of the Harpeth River Watershed. The only economically justified alternative affected the jurisdictional area of City of Franklin, TN only. The Investigations study was terminated in 2016. The feasibility study was resumed under the Continuing Authorities Program with only the City of Franklin as a project sponsor. The Feasibility phase was completed, and Detailed Project Report was approved September 6, 2019. The feasibility study recommended elevating 35 homes to a 100-yr plus 3 feet elevation.
IMPORTANCE: On May 1-2, 2010, record-breaking rains struck the Cumberland and Tennessee Valley regions. The Harpeth River Watershed experienced local rainfall amounts of 18-20 inches during this 48-hour period, causing widespread, devastating flooding. The Harpeth River reached record flood stages, far exceeding the previous record stages by as much as 43%. Individual Applicants for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the Harpeth River Watershed numbered in the thousands.
STATUS: The Project is in Implementation Phase.
BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below (feasibility phase costs included).
Total Estimated Project Cost
Federal Cost Estimate
Non-Federal Cost Estimate
Federal Funds Data
Allocation thru FY 2021
Allocation for FY2022
Balance to Complete
President’s Budget for FY2023
FY2021 Completed Work: Project Partnership Agreement was executed on October 27, 2020. Fifteen applications were received and processed.
FY2022 Scheduled Work: Continue processing applications and complete first round of home elevations.
Completion: FY2023.