Oak Ridge Site Readiness Project
AUTHORIZATION: Economy Act of 1982, (PL 97-258).
TYPE OF PROJECT: Interagency and International Support (IIS) - Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). Provide acquisition and construction management services for the planned Uranium Processing Facilities site
LOCATION: Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12), Oak Ridge, Tennessee
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Corker (TN), Alexander (TN), Fleischmann (TN03)
BACKGROUND: The Uranium Processing Facility is a major NNSA capital project to replace the nation’s aging uranium processing infrastructure at Y-12. It will ensure the long-term viability, safety and security of the nation’s enriched uranium (EU) capabilities. The UPF supports the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile, provides reactor fuel feedstock to the US Navy, supports the nuclear non-proliferation program through supplying fuels and fuel feedstock to foreign and domestic research reactors, and supports research and development programs requiring EU material.
The UPF was intended to consolidate EU operations at Y-12 in a single, modern facility. Funding constraints have caused DOE to consider other less costly alternatives that may not accomplish consolidations in a single facility.
The USACE Nashville District is providing project management, acquisition and construction management services in order to prepare the site for construction of the Uranium Processing Facility.
Site Readiness Subproject –
· 19 April 2013, the Nashville District awarded the Bear Creek Road Phase II Construction and Potable Waterline Relocation contract to Avisco, Inc. The contractor began construction in July and will relocate approximately 4,000 feet of roadway and potable waterlines in order to clear the location of the new Uranium Processing Facility. A vehicular overpass is also being constructed to accommodate access to a haul road. The project is on schedule to complete construction on 5 January 2015.
Site Infrastructure & Services Subproject –
· DOE anticipates approval of this subproject in early February 2015. USACE scope associate with this subproject includes construction of a sediment basin and excavation of a hillside and hauling excavated material to a fill site. .
Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA-1)
USACE is developing a Quality Assurance program in accordance with the ASME NQA-1 standard. The plan is intended to address additional site preparation work to include excavation and concrete placement.
BUDGET ($): DOE has estimated the design and construction to cost between $4.5 to $6.5 Billion for the Uranium Processing Facilities.
DOE’s current schedule is to be pouring the Mass Fill concrete in 2nd Qtr of FY17.