Center Hill Turbine-Generator Rehab Project
AUTHORIZATION: Section 212 of Water Resource Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000).
TYPE OF PROJECT: Hydropower turbine-generator rehabilitation
LOCATION: Center Hill Lake Powerhouse, Lancaster, TN.
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Alexander (TN), Corker (TN), Black (TN-06)
NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: Power Preference Customers
· The three identical turbine-generator units at Center Hill became operational between 1950 and 1951.
· On August 1, 2011, a long-term Memorandum of Agreement (LT MOA) between the Nashville District, Southeastern Power Administration, and 24 power customers was signed which yields funding on a monthly basis to perform rehab work, as authorized by Section 212 of WRDA 2000. Under Section 212 of the Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000), codified at 33 U.S.C. Section 2321a, the Corps “may accept and expend funds provided by preference customers under Federal law relating to the marketing of power” under certain conditions to perform rehab work.
· The contract to rehabilitate the 3 turbine-generator units includes major items such as replacement of turbine runners, wicket gates, stator windings, and stator cores, plus refurbishment of the servomotors and the brake systems, and installation of vibration monitoring systems and high-pressure thrust bearing oil lift systems.
· The turbine runners will be replaced with runners capable of providing 6 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of dissolved oxygen to Caney Fork below the dam for the cold water fishery.
IMPORTANCE: The expected life of turbine-generator units is between 30 and 40 years. Units of this age become less reliable and produce less power, which is especially important during times of peak electricity demand. Rehabilitating the Center Hill turbine-generator units became a priority in the Section 212 Rehab Program due their age and condition.
· A fully funded construction contract was awarded to Voith Hydro in June, 2014 to rehabilitate all three turbine-generator units at the Center Hill powerhouse.
· The turbine model test was successfully performed and witnessed in October 2014.
· Voith Hydro is currently performing vendor engineering for multiple pieces of turbine-generator equipment.
BUDGET ($): The total estimated cost is $64,293,000.
FY2014 Completed Work: Preconstruction submittals. Vendor engineering for turbine and generator equipment.
FY2015 Scheduled Work: Preconstruction, design, testing, and shop drawing submittals. Turbine model witness test. Delivery of Unit #2 turbine and generator equipment. Mobilize and prep job site. Generator #2 disassembly. Turbine #2 disassembly.
COMPLETION: The construction contract has a 54 month a period of performance. The construction contract will be completed in November 2018.
For more information regarding the Center Hill Turbine-Generator Rehab project, contact Jeff Linkinhoker, CELRN-PM, phone: (615) 736-7843, email: