Duck River Watershed Assessment

FACT SHEET (As of May 2018)

Published May 1, 2018
This is a map of the Duck River Watershed.

This is a map of the Duck River Watershed.

 Duck River Watershed Assessment 


AUTHORIZATION: Section 729 of the 1986 Water Resources Development Act, as amended.

TYPE OF PROJECT: Watershed Assessment

LOCATION: The Duck River Watershed is located in Middle Tennessee just south of Nashville. The river originates near the town of Manchester in Coffee County. It runs for about 270 miles, meandering across twelve counties before emptying into Kentucky Lake at Tennessee River Mile 110.8.

CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: DesJarlais (TN04), Cooper (TN05), Black (TN06), Blackburn (TN07), Alexander (TN), Corker (TN)

NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: The Nature Conservancy, Tennessee Duck River Development Agency, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Buffalo/Duck River Resource Conservation and Development Council.

BACKGROUND: The Initial Watershed Assessment (IWA) was completed in 2012. Final Watershed Assessment was initiated in 2014. The watershed planning process is built upon the establishment of a collaborative partnership between the Corps and interested Federal, tribal, state, interstate, local government entities, and stakeholder organizations.


·     Duck River is the water source for more than 250,000 people in Middle Tennessee.

·     The Duck River basin provides habitat for many species listed as federally endangered, threatened, candidate or species of concern.

·     The Duck River is considered one of the most biologically diverse rivers in North America and is an outstanding national resource.

·     The watershed’s ecosystem is under stress from rapid urban development, land use changes, incompatible agricultural practices, wastewater management and water supply practices, and resource extraction activities.


STATUS: Final Watershed Assessment Phase: an ecological model, called Multi-Scale Watershed Approach, was developed and approved for use on the studied in the Duck River Watershed in February 2018. The Draft Watershed Plan is being finalized for review and approval.

BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.


Total Estimated Cost


Federal Cost Estimate


Non-Federal Cost Estimate




Federal Funds Data


Allocation thru FY 2017


Allocation for FY 2018


Balance to Complete


President’s Budget for FY 2019



FY2017 Completed Work:  Multi-Scale Watershed Approach model was developed using geospatial data collected during flyover reconnaissance in 2014.

FY2018 Scheduled Work: Completion of the Draft Watershed Plan and submission for review and approval.

Completion:  FY2019.

For more information regarding the Duck River Watershed Assessment, contact Ramune Morales, CELRN-PMP, phone: (615) 736-7853, email: