Moccasin Bend Streambank Stabilization Project
AUTHORIZATION: Economy Act of 1982, (PL 97-258)
TYPE OF PROJECT: Streambank stabilization
LOCATION: The project is located on the Tennessee River in Chattanooga, TN at approximately River Mile 459.
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: Fleischmann (TN-03), Hagerty (TN), Blackburn (TN)
NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: National Park Service
BACKGROUND: The 750-acre site is within the Moccasin Bend National Archeological District, which is a unit of the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park. An estimated one foot of bank is lost per year. The National Park Service (NPS) executed an agreement with the Corps of Engineers to plan, design and construct the bank stabilization. The total length of riverbank to be protected is about 4.5 miles. Bank protection will consist of stone, and a portion will have a stone base with soil and plants on top. The project is being implemented in sections (reaches) as funding becomes available. To date, Reach 2B and 3 are completed, and portions of Reach 1 and 2A. Interagency Agreement for completing Rach 2A was signed Sep 25, 2020.
IMPORTANCE: The riverbank is rich in Civil War and American Indian history and contains American Indian burial grounds. The site is very important to the tribes and the Friends of Moccasin Bend. It is a source of pride to the City of Chattanooga and an attraction for visitors.
STATUS: Design and Implementation for completing remaining section of Reach 2A (1,600 feet).
BUDGET ($): Estimated project costs are shown below.
Total Estimated Cost
Federal Cost Estimate
Non-Federal Cost Estimate
Federal Funds Data
Allocation thru FY 2021
Allocation for FY 2022
Balance to Complete
President’s Budget for FY 2021
Notes: All funding is provided by NPS. Total Estimated Cost is $20M
FY 2021 Completed Work: Design was initiated for completing the remaining section of approximately 2,200 feet of Reach 2A.
FY 2022 Scheduled Work: Complete design, environmental and cultural resource coordination. Contract award is expected in July 2022.
Completion: FY 2024