Cleveland Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study
AUTHORIZATION: Section 205 of the Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended.
TYPE OF PROJECT: Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study.
LOCATION: Cleveland is located in Bradley County, TN.
CONGRESSIONAL INTEREST: DesJarlais (TN-04), Alexander (TN), Corker (TN)
NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: City of Cleveland, TN
· Corps assistance has been requested by the City of Cleveland to conduct a flood study on streams within the city limits and urban growth boundary.
· The City of Cleveland has experienced systemic flooding through the years of its downtown areas, particularly in the South Mouse Creek basin.
· City’s prioritization stems from major 1 and 22 September 2011 floods.
· City requested assistance with FIS updates, FEMA has indicated major issues with previous 2007 update submittals. City has interest in FIS updates for select streams within the City boundary and within the urban growth boundary (UGB). Updated mapping for 90 stream miles remains in internal reviews with FEMA.
· City indicated previous Corps assistance was helpful in detention/retention design in 2000s. Recent floods indicate these structures greatly aided in reducing the floods in Woolen Mill Branch area.
STATUS: The study is complete. The Feasibility report recommendation includes $6.4M in structural and nonstructural solutions to flood damages in South Mouse, Fillauer Branch, and Woolen Mill Branch watersheds. The project partnership agreement (PPA) was executed on February 7, 2018.
BUDGET ($): Expected costs to complete the project include a total $6.4M investment, including $4.2M of federal funding and a $2.2M local funding match.
Schedule: The first two (of seven) construction projects are in the early stages of design.
For more information regarding the Cleveland Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study, contact Tom Herbert, CELRN-PM-P, phone: (615) 736-7194, email: