Cheatham Lake Shoreline Management Plan (2012)

View of the shoreline at Cheatham LakeCheatham Lake is a popular site for a variety of outdoor recreational activities.  Recreational demands and pressures associated with adjacent development increase each year, yet the total amount of public land and water remains fixed.  The public continues to agree that sound management is necessary to provide optimum use of lake resources for present and future generations. 

The 2012 Cheatham Lake Shoreline Management Plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of the lake. The key objective of the plan is to balance private shoreline uses with the preservation of the natural environmental conditions of the lake.
Receive a copy of Cheatham Lake's Shoreline Management Plan please call (615) 254-3734 or visit the Resource Managers Office at: 1798 Cheatham Dam Road, Ashland City, TN 37015-9805. 

Center Hill Lake Shoreline Management Plan (January 2016)

Photo of Center Hill Lake's shoreline The update of the Center Hill Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) has been approved. This plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of the lake. The key objective of the plan is to balance private shoreline uses with the preservation of the natural environmental conditions of the lake. The 2016 review/update of the Center Hill Lake SMP proposed only a few minor changes to the existing plan based on input from the public meetings and additional comments from adjacent property owners and the general public. Several changes were made for clarification purposes and to incorporate nationwide requirements, shoreline use permit conditions, and approved plant listings. As a whole, the public continues to support keeping the shoreline free from additional private exclusive use such as individual and community docks. The next update is scheduled for 2021.


Cordell Hull Lake Shoreline Management Plan

This plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management and protection of entrusted natural resources. These public lands are managed to allow the shorelines and forested hillsides to remain untouched in their natural state with no provision for private exclusive use. Destruction of public lands and properties, cutting of trees and vandalism is a federal offense. Enjoy these unique natural Boundary Line Sign and Tree Marked with Yellow Paintresources while helping to protect them for generations to come.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a responsibility for ensuring that properties of a cultural, historical, or traditional nature located on Corps lands are preserved and managed appropriately.  Removal of any artifact, prehistoric or historic, from Federal lands is a violation of both Federal regulations and Federal law.  Conviction for digging for artifacts can result in both substantial financial penalty which could be as much as a $250,000.00 and incarceration of up to five years.   It is all of our responsibilities to ensure that the cultural resources present on Cordell Hull Lake are protected.  To prevent the destruction of these sensitive resources and prevent possible prosecution, please leave any artifact found where you see it.

Dale Hollow Lake Shoreline Management Policy

Dale Hollow Lake Shoreline

The Dale Hollow Lake Shoreline Management Policy provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management and protection of entrusted natural resources. These public lands are managed to allow the shorelines and forested hillsides to remain untouched in their natural state with no provision for private exclusive use. Destruction of public lands and properties, cutting of trees and vandalism is a federal offense. Enjoy these unique natural resources while helping to protect them for generations to come.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a responsibility for ensuring that properties of a cultural, historical, or traditional nature located on Corps lands are preserved and managed appropriately.  Removal of any artifact, prehistoric or historic, from Federal lands is a violation of both Federal regulations and Federal law.  Conviction for digging for artifacts can result in both substantial financial penalty which could be as much as a $250,000.00 and incarceration of up to five years.   It is all of our responsibilities to ensure that the cultural resources present on Dale Hollow Lake are protected.  To prevent the destruction of these sensitive resources and prevent possible prosecution, please leave any artifact found where you see it. 

J. Percy Priest Shoreline Management Plan

 J. Percy Priest Lake is managed to prevent the private exclusive use of public lands and waters in favor of conserving the natural environment of the shoreline for use by the general public.  This means that private docks and other private floating facilities are prohibited.  Mowing and other vegetation removal on public property is also prohibited. For full details on the development and management of J. Percy Priest Lake, please refer to the 2007 Master Plan.  This updated Master Plan presents an inventory and assessment of the land and water resources and related physical improvements, an analysis of resource use, and an evaluation of existing and future needs required to protect and improve the value of project resources.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a responsibility for ensuring that items of a cultural, historical, or traditional nature located on Corps lands are preserved and managed appropriately.  Removal of any artifact, prehistoric or historic, from Federal lands is a violation of both State and Federal regulations.  Conviction for digging for artifacts can result in financial penalties up to $250,000.00 and/or incarceration of up to five years.  To prevent the destruction of these sensitive resources, please leave any artifact where you see it, and report any violations to the Resource Manager's Office at 615-889-1975. 

LakeĀ Cumberland Shoreline Management PlanĀ (December 2012)

Scenic view of Lake Cumberland and the shorleineThe update of the Lake Cumberland Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) has been approved. This plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of the lake. The key objective of the plan is to balance private shoreline uses with the preservation of the natural environmental conditions of the lake.

The draft plan was posted on the Internet and copies were provided to interested parties. Public workshops were held in April 2002 to discuss changes to the plan. These meetings were well attended by the public, and the participants raised various issues relating to the plan. Comments concerning the draft plan were also taken in writing and via the Internet.

The 2002 review/update of the Lake Cumberland SMP proposed only a few minor changes to the existing plan based on input from the public meetings and additional comments from adjacent property owners, public officials, environmental groups and the general public. As a whole, the public continues to support keeping the shoreline free from additional private exclusive use such as individual and community docks.

Any information regarding Lake Cumberland Shoreline Management Plan update visit the Natural Resource Management Office at 855 Boat Dock Road Somerset, KY 42501 or call 606-679-6337.

Lake Barkley Shoreline Management Plan

Dock on shoreline of Lake BarkleyLake Barkley is an extremely popular site for a variety of outdoor recreational activities.  Recreational demands and residential development of private property adjoining the public lands around the lake has resulted in a heavy demand for private boat docks, residential mowing privileges, and other private exclusive uses of the shoreline.  With increasing demands and a limited amount of public land and water, sound management is necessary to provide optimum use of finite project resources for present and future generations.  The Lake Barkley Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) is the portion of Lake Barkley’s Operational Management Plan that provides guidelines for the effective long-range management of Lake Barkley’s shoreline. The objective of the SMP is to balance private shoreline uses with the protection and restoration of the natural environmental conditions of the lake. 

Anyone interested in living on the lake should contact the Lake Barkley Resource Manager’s Office before making a final decision regarding the purchase of adjoining private property with the intent of constructing a dock or performing any work on public property.  Although the property may adjoin a shoreline area where permits for residential mowing or private docks are normally issued, there are other conditions and requirements that must be met before a permit can be issued.  Remember that no work should be conducted on public property without a permit from the Resource Manager.

For additional information, please contact the Resource Manager’s Office at (270) 362-4236.

Old Hickory Lake Shoreline Management

The Old Hickory Lake Shoreline Management Plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of finite shoreline resources.  In spite of increasing recreational demand, the total amount of public land and water area remains unchanged.  Sound management is therefore necessary to ensure continuing quality use of the lake for present and future generations.

The objectives of the shoreline management plan are to protect and restore the natural environmental conditions of the shoreline, to establish and maintain acceptable fish and wildlife habitat to preserve aesthetic qualities, and to promote the safe and healthful use of the lake and the surrounding public lands by the general public.

The extensive residential development of private property adjoining the public lands around the lake has resulted in a heavy demand for private boat docks, residential mowing privileges, and other private exclusive uses of the shoreline.  The ownership of property adjoining the shoreline does not imply special rights or privileges to use public property.  The shoreline management plan contains guidance, which balances private use of the shoreline while providing natural environmental conditions for the use and enjoyment of the general public. 

You should check with the Old Hickory Lake Resource Manager’s Office before making a final decision regarding the purchase of adjoining private property with the intent of constructing a dock or performing any work on public property.  Although the property may adjoin a shoreline area where permits for residential mowing or private docks are normally issued, there are other conditions and requirements that must be met before a permit can be issued.  There are several areas where private docks cannot be permitted.  

Erosion Control

Old Hickory Lake is one of the most popular lakes in the southeastern United States. If you have ever been fortunate enough to enjoy the beauty of Old Hickory Lake by boat you have likely noticed erosion along the shoreline. When the shoreline erodes, the soils are washed into the lake causing shallow depths that can impede navigation and degrade water quality. Erosion is primarily caused by wave action, water runoff, and inadequate shoreline stabilization. Healthy River and stream banks have abundant vegetation with intertwining roots, which bind the soil and create a natural protection barrier. The loss of vegetation along the shoreline speeds up erosion, which results in the degradation of fish and wildlife habitat. Many adjacent landowners are taking action to prevent the further loss of public lands by implementing erosion control methods. One of the most prevalent forms of erosion control is the placement of riprap stone along the eroding shoreline. Bioengineering is another effective form or erosion control that uses natural, living materials. As it’s name implies, it brings together biological, ecological, and engineering concepts to vegetate and stabilize an eroded shoreline. It is vitally important that bank stabilization is done in accordance with the permit conditions to protect the waters and to minimize impacts to the area. Bank stabilization projects on Corps property require a permit. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at (615) 822-4846 or (615) 847-2395.You may also visit our erosion control demonstration site at the Walton’s Ferry Recreation Area for different ideas and an informational bulletin board on approved erosion control techniques.

Old Hickory Lake Green HouseGreenhouse Project

The Old Hickory Lake Staff is excited to announce that we will be continuing our greenhouse initiative. Not only is the purpose of this service to help landowners who may not meet their minimum density or boundary planting requirements as stated in the Shoreline Management Plan, but it also promotes shoreline stabilization, water quality, and wildlife habitat. As a reminder, you must be located with an area allocated as Limited Development or Mowing Only in order to plant or maintain public property adjacent to Old Hickory Lake and remember that only native plants are to be planted. Trees or shrubs can be picked up at our office Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. If you have any questions please feel free to give us a call at (615) 822-4846 or (615) 847-2395.

Think Native to Encourage Biodiversity

The resource manager and staff at Old Hickory Lake are committed to preserving the natural heritage of our public lands. To encourage biodiversity and the integrity of the landscape, the staff at Old Hickory Lake maintains a native plant nursery. The plants are available to adjacent property owners to Old Hickory Lake.


SCA students set fish attractors on Old Hickory Lake with Christmas trees donated through the Christmas Tree disposal program (Courtesy Asset)Environmental Restoration and Conservation Program

In all aspects of natural and cultural resources management, the Corps promotes awareness of environmental values and adheres to sound environmental stewardship, protection, and compliance and restoration practices. The Environmental Restoration and Conservation Program is a management strategy designed to improve fish and wildlife habitat on the project through partnership projects with volunteers, non-profit groups, adjacent property owners, and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. Our goal is to apply the best management practices that will enhance and restore habitat and in some instances limit public access to protect historical, natural, and cultural resources. This program takes into consideration critical habitat for endangered, threatened, and candidate species as well as non-threatened species. It also addresses the identification, removal and control of invasive exotic pest plant species.

Ninety-one sites, which include over 800 acres, have been identified for restoration and conservation projects. Signs designating the locations as “Wildlife Management Area” are placed at the sites. Maps showing the location of project sites are maintained at the Resource Manager’s office.

Laurel River Lake Shoreline Management Plan

Laurel River Lake lies entirely within the Daniel Boone National Forest and has a protected shoreline.  There are no private docks or houses on the shoreline and no opportunities for either.  This was established to retain the natural, undeveloped character of the shoreline, maintain shoreline aesthetics, preserve historical importance, prevent erosion, & protect other environmental values of the lake.