Hunting Opportunities
The State of Tennessee manages over 27,000 acres on Old Hickory Lake for the administration of programs designed to increase the numbers of fish, game and non-game wildlife. Most of this is primarily accessible by water. Much of this land is open for hunting. The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency administers the wildlife management program on the Lake. To receive more information on the Old Hickory Lake's Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) and Tennessee hunting information.
Duck Hunting On Old Hickory Lake
Most waterfowl hunters do not think of themselves as “boaters.” The boat is just a means to an end; as a consequence, they do not consider the safety precautions that are important for a safe and enjoyable hunting trip. Packing boats beyond capacity with decoys, guns, dogs, gear, hunters and their buddies, creates a very dangerous safety hazard. More hunters die from drowning and the effects of hypothermia than from gunshot wounds. These deaths could be prevented by following a few safety precautions and gaining knowledge about these hazards. Below are some general safety guidelines to follow and a list of things to pack in a survival kit in order to have a safe and enjoyable hunting trip:
File a float plan. Let someone know where you will be and what time you expect to be back.
Check the weather for bad weather conditions before you leave.
Avoid wearing waders while onboard a boat. If you fall overboard with waders on, the air inside them that was once trapped is released. Once this happens, the waders will bind to your legs making it almost impossible to stay afloat or take your waders off. However, if you enter the water with waders on, immediately pull your knees up to your chest. This retains the trapped air which can act as a flotation device.
Wear a life jacket. A life jacket will keep your head above the surface of the water if you fall in.
Do not overload your boat with gear or passengers. Your boat is more likely to capsize if it is overloaded.
Carry a survival kit with you in case of an emergency.
Survival Kit Contents:
Waterproof matches/lighter
Wire saw
Plastic bag
Change of clothes
Map of the area/compass
Signal mirror
Emergency food/water
Fire starters
Flashlight/extra batteries
First aid kit
Pocket knife/multi-use tool
Emergency blanket