Daily Fishing Update

  Martins Fork Lake
Resource Manager's Office
5965 Highway 987
Smith, KY  40867
Phone: (606) 573-1468


Fishing Information by Phone: (606) 573-7655

The staff at Martins Fork Lake is also posting as frequently as possible daily fishing information and lake elevations on its Facebook page. Please be sure to follow us at http://www.facebook.com/martinsforklake.

Boat Waivers are being renewed at the Resource Managers Office, Monday through Friday, 8 am until 4 pm. Please call the lake office for more information. Please ensure all required safety equipment is onboard your boat and in workable condition. Also be sure to always wear your life jacket when boating, approximately 700 people each year drown nationwide from recreational boating accidents, making it imperative to wear a life jacket at all times while in and around the water.

Expect the Unexpected - Wear it