Operations Division has overall responsibility for the operation and maintenance of multi-purpose civil works projects, regulatory functions and emergency management activities. Projects consist of 10 dams, nine hydroelectric power plants, four navigation projects and 10 lakes in the Cumberland River Basin. Operations Division also partners with the Tennessee Valley Authority on 10 navigation projects in the Tennessee River Basin. The Regulatory Program is committed to projecting aquatic resources and wetlands, while allowing reasonable development through fair, flexible and balanced permit decisions. Emergency Management Activities include emergency planning and operations for natural disasters, national emergencies and mobilization.
- 45 field offices in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Alabama
- 1,175 miles of commercial navigation channels
- 14 Navigation projects, consisting of 19 lock chambers
- 9 Hydropower plants that generate about $32 million in power annually
- 10 lakes with 4,607 miles of shoreline and 424,629 acres of land and water
- 147 Corps managed recreation areas providing camping, picnicking, launching, hiking and other outdoor recreation opportunities
- 32.5 million visitors each year
- Nashville District's lakes rank in the top most visited lakes nationwide