• Patty Coffey (Archived)

    Patty Coffey served as the Deputy District Engineer for the Nashville District from July of 2017 to November 2020 with responsibility for directing water resource activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers throughout the Cumberland River Basin, and navigation and regulatory matters in the Tennessee River Basin, an area of more than 59,000 square miles, with 49 field offices touching seven states and a work force of over 750 federal employees. In this position, Ms. Coffey is responsible for the District business management and program delivery, assuring that assigned local, regional, and national programs are executed within budget and schedule. Patty also provides District leadership in establishing and maintaining processes to manage the scope, quality, budget and schedules of all district projects. She manages and directs all programmatic activities, including program and budget development, preparation for Congressional testimony, oversight of program execution and reprogramming actions. Further, she is responsible for all civil works planning functions for the District, including plan formulation, economics and environmental resources.
  • Maj. Christopher W. Burkhart (Archived)

    Major Burkhart served as the Deputy District Engineer for the Nashville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from July 6, 2015 to Nov. 5, 2017. As the Deputy District Engineer, he assisted in directing all the water resource activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers throughout the Cumberland River Basin, and navigation and regulatory matters in the Tennessee River Basin, an area of more than 59,000 square miles, with 49 field offices touching seven states and a work force of over 700 federal employees.
  • Lt. Col. Stephen F. Murphy - 64th Commander (Archived)

    Lieutenant Colonel Stephen Murphy served as commander of the Nashville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers from June 16, 2015 to July 7, 2017. As Commander and District Engineer, Lieutenant Colonel Murphy manages the water resources development and navigable waterways operations for the Cumberland and Tennessee River basins covering 59,000 square miles, with 42 field offices touching seven states and a work force of over 700 employees.